
Come to our monthly meetings
We invite all of our members to join us for our regular monthly meetings held each month, see schedule below. It is our time to socialize and share our creative ideas with each other. We often have guest speakers to impart their wisdom and/or experience or otherwise we share our own art and skills, help each other with critiques or advice, and learn about the current activities and pursuits of our organization and members.
Locations & What’s Planned
January 12th, 2-4pm
VT Hahn Garden Pavilion
Joan Fullerton Workshop Creations/Reception
February 9th, 2-4pm
VT Hahn Garden Pavilion
VA Watercolor Society Presentation
March 14th, 11:30am
Bull and Bones
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Presentation
April 11th, 10:00am
Moss Art Center
Behind the scenes tour
May 9th
The Meadows at Nellie's Cave Park
Plein Aire
June 13th, 11:30am
Bull and Bones
Members show and share recent works
July 11th
Blacksburg Country Club
August 8th
Moss Art Center
Tour Biennial exhibit. Bring a Brown Bag lunch
September 12th, 11:30am
Bull and Bones
October TBD
Tour VA WaterColor Society Exhibit at RU
November 9th
Annual Meeting/ Election of Officers
December 12th, 11:30am
Bull and Bones
Holiday Gift Exchange