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AARP Community Challenge Grant Mural

 for web 12-10-22 Plaque final 8 x 12.png

A collaborative BRAA/AARP Blacksburg project funded by a

2022 AARP Community Challenge Grant

in coordination with The Lester Group and the Town of Blacksburg

It began as a plain red brick wall...

Mural Wall.jpg

So we DID!

on the corner of College Avenue and Draper Road in downtown Blacksburg.

and then there was the national AARP Community Challenge Grant and our local AARP said we should GO FOR IT


BRAA artist Nikki Pynn sketched a design for a beautiful mural which speaks to the location above the underground Strouble’s Creek that runs through the area as well as the beautiful greenery and wildlife of our gorgeous New River Valley.

Linda Correll, public art chairman for BRAA, worked with Leslie Pendleton, president of the local AARP Blacksburg chapter to submit the grant. The stakeholders and those providing information and approval to bring this project to reality in the downtown location were The Lester Group (the building owner), The Public Arts Committee and the Historic or Design Review board of the Town of Blacksburg.    

They had a VISION and made it happen

It was revealed to the public on October 21, 2022 and our fine town is more beautiful because of it

... and it was not plain anymore

Find out more about the process of making this beautiful public artwork happen by watching these videos: 
AARP/BRAA Mural Video One
AARP/BRAA Mural Video Two

© 2023 by BRAA Blacksburg Regional Art Association ~ ~ All rights reserved.

BRAA is a 501 (c) 3 organization

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